Saturday, June 5, 2010

Err.. that's not funny Veen Dee.

The weekend was near and we were REALLY excited!!
I don't really know why. It is just like every other weekend. BUTTT... Veen Dee & I were really hyped about it.

Friday night = Somo night (usually).
We were suppose to have Chili's too.. but there wasn't enough time..Played Circle of Death/Some guessing characters game/Taboo. Lots of funny secrets came out BUT THAT IS FOR ANOTHER DAY..

Anyway, the point of this post is:

Eventhough I told Veen Dee that we will drop her off at her place after Somo..
She parked her car at KJ LRT Station.
We entered the parking lot, her car was parked ALLLLLL the way at the other end. It was a straight road leading to her car. Her car was in green. Here's how it went:

Obaibee:   Where's your car?
Veen Dee: Thereee... can you see my car?
Me:              Ooh I can see it. Its the green Getz.
Veen Dee: What's that guy doing standing there?
Me:              Where? *looks around*
Obaibee:    What guy?
Veen Dee: THereee!! In a white T-Shirt!
Me:              *stares hard into where ever she's pointing*
Obaibee:   Veen Dee, there is no guy.
Veen Dee: Err.. Oh..


Obaibee: Err... that's not funny Veen Dee.

Veen Dee: I knoww!!
Me: I'm scared..!!



Linda, seriously you saw a *ghost* at KJ LRT Station at that moment?????

linda.k said...

Veen Dee saw.. I didn't. *crosses fingers*