Saturday, August 28, 2010


So what's so great about men other than probably we need their sperm?

Okay, we do enjoy the other half's love and what not. Especially if you really can't just simply like the same sex.
Backtracking, in the age old days, men rule females. Their entire miserable span of life and we females are just slaves.

We've come far from that, but it is still similar. Some people just can't let go of the horrid past.

I've came across the article about female genital mutilation years back, in Reader's Digest. It was about a successful model who went through that torture back in her younger years. Had bigger dreams, ran away, did not know that people pee streams not drips. Deafening pain each time, till one day faint from the pain, brought to the docs, immediate surgery as she have been severely infected. [Link to article]

WHO CAME UP WITH THE FRIGGIN IDEA TO CUT OF FEMALE'S CLITORIS OR DAMAGE IT (cutting of a slight bit is still the same damn thing.)?! WHO CAME UP WITH THE IDEA TO SEW UP THE DAMN VAGINA HOLE (minimizing it) - leaving one small pee hole and one small period.

Thanks for being oh so selfish and kind. Helping us to CONTROL ourselves. To make sure we SAVE ourselves for you men. To make sure we don't have the NEED to cheat on you buggers.

It is one thing to do it back then. It is a WHOLE other thing to do it in this generation. Are you kidding me?

Sorry but this works me up EACH time I come across it. And women who supports this senseless torture, thanks for being a canvas nodder.

If you have the heart to mutilate your child, it also means that you just made her a sex slave. She will have NO gain in the sex life that she may have later on in her years. Her body will purely be for her man's enjoyment.

Now, dwell in that thought.
Hi Friday, how kind of you to join me.

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