Monday, October 18, 2010


You are constant. I realise that now.

"I bet you didn't know that I am terrified of the dark, and every time I think of you, I smile. I bet you don't know that I hate thunderstorms but love dancing in the rain. Or how much I laugh with my friends & how much I truly enjoy being happy. I bet you don't know how many tears I've cried just for you, or how much I doubt myself every day. I bet you dont know how ticklish I am or how I can't make decisions. & how it drives me crazy when you look into my eyes. I bet you didn't know that I would do anything to be with you. But mostly I bet you didn't know how much I love you."

- Grey's Anatomy.


Also found this:

Dear Miss Khoo,

this is to inform you that you are the biggest drama queen that miss vatvani knows and all the skills that she has learned she has acquired from You. Therefore, she kindly requests you to stop noticing the drama because people only notice their qualities in other people meaning you notice drama because you are drama *evilgrin*  Miss vatvani loves you the way you are and also feels that asking that dum dum question is valid question. Miss vatvani KNOWS you think its a valid question too.

Therefore, she kindly requests you to stop saying drama unless REALLY drama.

With love,
miss vatvani

1 comment:

meee said...

heart u xxx