Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sun and men.

Hi. People. And World.

Morning, got on train (yes, I actually do take the train from time to time), met KY and Kadazan. Kadazan told KY my name's Jessica. Then we decided to list the names starting from the letter 'J' down. Common ones.


*laughs* Err, no I did not come up with the last one =P

ANYWAY, here's what morning conversations are like:
Me: Ahhhh sun. Stupid sun. Exploding on me. Like men.
Kadazan: LOL What's that supposed to mean Linda. Are you still deprived?
Me:  Nothing =P No, I am no longer deprived. Rainforest/glass house, good idea.
Fresh: What. What is this all @.@
Kadazan: I should go for a glass house trip too ;) Eh how much ah? Haahahahha
Me: Are you deprived tooo? 600/glass house/night - 4ppl. Addition 50/head. Max 6 ppl/hse.
Kadazan: Me.. Deprived because.. My red aunt came for a visit. You know.. her monthly visit. Hahaha.

Hahaaa.. don't think too far. It's all good fun.

I like Johnny Depp but I don't like Robert Downey Jr. I like kissing but I don't like making out.

I love that game. Now we're playing 'Boleh ke tak boleh?'.


So was Mister Goodbar [Made with Chocolate and Peanuts] good last weekend?
Uh yeahh......!

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